Friday, December 15, 2006


I woke up early this morning and started making a mental list of all the work I had lost.

Worst of all is the tremendous amount of work I had done compiling quotes and stories by theme for my Worship files. My chest aches just thinking about it. Hours and hours of organizing, cutting and pasting.

Worship will take a lot longer to prepare now, as I've also lost my Offering stories (I had a rich collection of funny anecdotes and original words on stewardship themes), Opening Words and Chalice Lightings, Benedictions, Prayers.

I've lost funerals and all special services done in the past two years. All Christmas Eves, Easters, holidays and holy days.

What was I thinking in forgetting or failing to back up these most crucial of files? How could I have been so DUMB???? And careless of my own work?

I'll tell you what I was thinking: Every time I popped a CD in the drive to save sermons and worship services, I would think to myself, "Oh, I know I just saved those the last time. They're not much updated, so I won't bother this time."

I failed to save them even after spending three full days in July perfecting these files. My stomach churns just thinking about it. Thank the gods I saved all my academic work and files from teaching my class. I would be lying on the floor in the fetal position right now if I had lost all of that, too.

I think to myself, man, I'm walking around feeling shot in the gut -- what's it like when your church gets destroyed in a fire, or when your home is swept away in a flood, or when your laptop is stolen from the back seat of your car and you have absolutely no hope whatsoever of even having the Geek Squad look at your hard drive and recover data? WORSE.

I'm trying not to add insult to injury by beating myself up for being a whimp.

The Geek Squad is coming in the morning. We'll see if they work any magic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearling, can I suggest that you invest in an external hard drive once you're over this hump, and an automatic backup program like Silverkeeper that will automatically synchronize your entire hard drive? Ask the Geek Squad about something automated, which will save you future headaches.

I feel your pain.

Blogger more cows than people said...

a word of hope- a dear friend had a hard drive crash and thought that all was lost- wedding pictures, six years of business records- but just today found out most if not all of the material was recovered. here's hoping the geek squad can resurrect all you've lost. thinking of you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your geek squad will probably be able to help you. I am saying prayers for you. My computer blew 2 weeks ago. I was lucky not to lose anything. If your geek squad cannot retreive your data, there are companies that are able to perform miracles. Naturally it does cost, but it might be worthwhile to find out if there are such companies in your area and ask what their charges are.
Also if all else fails, I know someone in the Chicago area who might be able to help you. Just contact me at

You are in my prayers

Blogger Ellis said...

I send each file I make to my Gmail account. They give you 2.7 gig (and counting) of free storage space. You can search by date, keyword, whatever. It takes a few extra seconds, but there it is.

I know I should back up to a spare hard drive, or to CD. I know. But at last it's in Google's capable hands.

Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...

I use a service from Iron Mountain Digital, formerly Connected Backup. For around $10-15/month, everything that's changed on your hard disk gets automatically backed up in the middle of the night. You define which directories you want it to look at.

I've used it for years to do a nightly backup. Only restored a handful of times, but I was so thankful I had the service when I did.


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