Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tiny Cat Teeth

The cat is now snoring on the desk. She is a fat striped muskrat.

I love her excessively, as you know, and am very concerned that the vet wants to put her under while cleaning her teeth.
SisterBang and I think all this professional cleaning stuff is just money-grubbing nonsense, so let me ask you cat people out there in PeaceBang Land:
how do you clean your cat's choppers? If you do at all, I mean?

She mostly eats kibble. And I know she'd very unwillingly let me brush her teeth, but with WHAT?


Blogger fausto said...

The vet isn't soaking you. (Or at least, isn't proposing anything facetious.) It's either let the vet clean her teeth, or let them all fall out (yes, they will; that happened to another cat we had) and switch to wet food, which she can gum a little before swallowing.

As for the need to put her under, how would you like to try to scale a cat's teeth while she was conscious?

At least your vet isn't also recommending an EKG first to see if her heart can handle the anesthesia, like ours did.

Blogger Peg said...

Laura, are you referring to a Science Diet formula?

My other thought was Felidae, but that's not exclusively from a vet's office.

P.S. An 11 year old FELV+ kitty? How wonderful!


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