Sunday, May 14, 2006

In Praise of "How To Cook Everything"

SisterBang got me this book for Christmas and it is sheer fabulosity:

I learned how to make fiddleheads from this guy.
I learned how to make the most delicious savory white beans from this guy (the Southern kind of beans, I learned how to make from BoyInTheBands).

I learned from this book just yesterday that you shouldn't try to grill shoulder cuts of London Broil for steak, but should upgrade to something loin-ish.
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feathah. There I was all prepared to grill my defrosted London Broil for the Bloggers Picnic, to accompany my proscuitto-wrapped asparagus and green salad with scallions, arugula, mandarin oranges and crispy pea pods.

What would I do?
Listen to Mark Bittman, of course, and make a garlicky beef daub instead!

People, let me just tell you that there is nothing more comforting on the sixth or seventh straight May day of freezing cold and rain than a garlicky beef daub over buttered noodles. I don't even know what "daub" means, but it was the easiest recipe ever and one of the most delicious comfort food meals I've ever had.

I would ask you carnivores what your favorite cut of steak for grilling is, but since it's never going to stop pouring and I won't be taking my grill out of the garage at all this year, I won't bother.


Blogger Obijuan said...

My copy is battered (as in beaten, not -- y'know -- beer battered), well loved, and covered in various sauces from over the years. I love Bittman.

Blogger LinguistFriend said...

French "daube" is translated either as "stew" or "casserole" in good dictionaries.
I used to get very good boeuf en daube at the Henri IV restaurant in Cambridge, near that wonderful corner of Mt. Auburn
and Brattle where one could get hit by cars coming from 5 directions at once.


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