Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Rev. Parisa Parsa On UUism and Ministry

As someone who freezes in terror whenever a microphone or camera is pointed at her, I am beside myself with admiration over this interview on a local cable channel featuring Unitarian Universalist minister, the Rev. Parisa Parsa:

She speaks comfortably and with great poise and intelligence about ministry and about Unitarian Universalism.

Seminarians, watch and learn. Heck, experienced ministers, we can all get something from this!


Blogger Berrysmom said...

She did us proud! And did you notice (of course you did) how well her outfit matched the chair she was sitting in? That was surely no accident.

I liked the Faithful Fools hat in its rightful place on the mantel between the saint and the church father.

Now how do we see the second half?

Blogger fausto said...

She speaks comfortably and with great poise

Yes, but doesn't she always? I hear her Worship Committee pretty much takes it for granted.

That said, her historical summary was just my cup of tea. Mm-mm.

And did you notice (of course you did) how well her outfit matched the chair she was sitting in? That was surely no accident. I liked the Faithful Fools hat in its rightful place on the mantel between the saint and the church father.

Actually, berrysmom, it was hard to see in the video, but since I've been there I can tell you the pictures were Orthodox-style icons of Holy Wisdom and the Persian mystic Rumi, painted by a Franciscan monk. I also happen to know that PeaceBang had something to do with choosing the Wisdom one. Stands to reason our newly famous blogging fashion maven might have had something to do with the rest of the accessorizing, too -- except that the Rev. Parsa obviously also possesses her own innate elegance. She's not one of the members of the ministerial college most in need of PB's aesthetic guidance.

Now how do we see the second half?

There's a link from the page with the first half.


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