Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cat Update: Doing Fine

Sweet Girl
Originally uploaded by Peacebang.

It looks like this little sweetie is going to be okay. Her lungs are still cloudy but much, much better.
She's going to stay on prednisone for the forseeable future.

Thank you so much for being lovely and supportive during the entire crisis. The doctors made such dire predictions early on that I think I was needlessly traumatized.

I could look at that face all day.

But hey, there's always this robotic cat if anything goes wrong with Ermengarde:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad your adorable companion is okay.

We have a petite, fluffy little one here who fell ill a few years ago, though not as acutely, and lost weight she couldn't afford to lose. She has been on prednisone for three years and has been happy and social and delightful ever since. It's so hard to see them sick but it's great when they are themselves again.

Blogger Peregrinato said...

That is great news :) And a great photo!

Blogger Shawna Atteberry said...

I'm so glad she's fine. And she's a cutey.

Blogger Caroline Divine said...

Ooh, she's cute. I'm so glad she is doing well.

I voted for you (and also in a couple of categories for some of your fine UU blogging colleagues) -- I hope that's okay, given that I'm a heretic (i.e. raised UU but turned Trinitarian and sacramental high-church while at that UU bastion in Cambridge, which was and is also a hotbed of religious pluralism). I do read a lot of UU blogs, mostly because your fabulous blogs led me to them, because I find them thoughtful and lively, and because I still have some UU family members and, of course, friends. Also, they're a nice break from Anglican and Catholic politics... :-b Not that I don't love our Episco-bloggers. (That's you, Elizabeth and several others.)

I have a friend out West who calls himself a Buddhapalian, by the way. Someone I know well who teaches at a Quaker school sometimes refers to herself as a Quakapalian. So we have loyal but somewhat hybrid folks (including clergy, those two) in the Episcopal Church. Do you have interesting UU hybrid terminology? Just curious.

Special greetings to Erm. And that robot is freaky -- though tempting if one is allergic...


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