Saturday, May 07, 2005

Bacon: God's Food

I will not be going to General Assembly this year. I am taking a break. One of my favorite memories about the Long Beach GA last June was how I ended up having impromptu breakfast almost every morning with a respected Unitarian Universalist ministerial colleague (and the author of a well-respected blog, and no, Scott Wells wasn't there).

We would have our repast in the hotel restaurant and chat about all manner of things religious and ministerial. At one point he picked up a strip of bacon and gesturing with it, said, almost completely seriously,

"Christianity is destined to become the most successful world religion because it has all the moral grandeur of Judaism, plus bacon."

I just think it's one of the great one-liners I've ever heard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that can only be one person . . . .


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