Sunday, December 18, 2005

Random Advent Musings

I am finally in the Christmas spirit. We had the annual Holiday Religious Education Insanity service today, which was very cute and made me all mushy and Christmasy. So I have to break one of my own rules and talk about my church.

During coffee hour I sat with some kids and was gravely informed that "Santa Claus has bad knees so you can't sit on his lap," which made me snarf into my sleeve. Santa is one of our big wonderful church men who sings in the choir and is involved in everything. He dresses up in the full Santa regalia every year and he looks REALLY LIKE SANTA.

Then one of my tots came up to show me the beautiful decorative boxes Santa was passing out (I got one too -- swanky cloisinee dealies) and we talked for awhile about what we might put in the box. Maybe a very tiny teddy bear? Maybe our piggy toe, if we were brave enough to bite it off? Maybe one piece of secret candy? I suggested a worm. Erdine, the 91 year old sitting next to me, nodded in agreement and said, "A worm is always good." We winked at each other. She's a beautiful shining gem of an elder.

Then the three-year old sang "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" to me, and I thought back to when he was just a growing pod in his mama's belly, and how he squirmed the day I dedicated him. He remembered every word of the song and sang it to me very earnestly, maintaining eye contact the whole time, and on key. I said to him, "That was so great. That's just my favorite." I resisted the temptation to steal him and take him home.

One of my parishioners gave me a bright red lipstick. What a great gift. I always admire hers and ask her where she gets it and she went out and GOT ME SOME. It's an obscure make called "Niko" and the shade is "Vibe Red" and I don't think that could be any more cool.

Tonight I'm going to Mel's house to watch "Once Upon a Mattress" starring Carol Burnett. She and I were the stars of the 6th grade play -- she played Winifred the Woebegone (Tracy Ullman) and I played Carol Burnett's role, Queen Agravaine. The fun part will be watching it with her 4 year old daughter.



Blogger fausto said...

What's your version of "Holiday Religious Education Insanity"?


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