Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Thumbs Up To Gay Marriage, Sez UCC Synod

Socko! Boffo!

In related news, Jesus looked up from healing the sick and feeding the hungry and said, "Huh? Oh, good, good."

From the article:

"Jeanette Mott Oxford, who described herself as the first openly lesbian member elected to the Missouri House of Representatives, said she was pleased by the "brave prophetic witness" of the vote, but "very concerned about my brothers and sisters who may be hurt by this."

Hurt HOW? Hurt by having to relinquish the heterosexual privilege that allows only their kind to benefit from the over 1200 legal benefits and protections of civil marriage?
Can you imagine Isaiah or Jeremiah or Micah expressing "concern" for the sinners they were trying to fill with the spirit of repentance and justice? What a bunch of pandering. What a typically political response masquerading as a pastoral one. BAH.

Meanwhile, back on the Tom Cruise Monkey Ranch:

(I hate "The View" and those cackling harpies.
I loathe it.
It makes me into a temporary misogynist)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In related news, Jesus looked up from healing the sick and feeding the hungry and said, "Huh? Oh, good, good."


This was my favorite part of the article:

Last year, two major networks refused to broadcast a United Church of Christ commercial that showed two bouncers standing in front of a church, allowing some people to come in and refusing others, including nonwhites and a gay couple. "Jesus didn't turn people away," the text said. "Neither do we."

Blogger David said...

Is it not strange how well the transistion from gay marriage to Tom Cruise flowed? I am sick of Mr. Cruise and believe "The View" is in dire need of a set overhaul. That same couch can be viewed in the window of a local Goodwill store.

What's up with your code? Your links are running accross the sidebar. Or is my Commadore 64 taxed with this new Windows 3.1 I'm running?


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