Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Dan's Faux Pas

Planet Dan cracks me up. He's so... hapless:


This story reminds me of a time I was at a restaurant in Evanston, Illinois (one of the Lettuce Entertain You chain whose name I have forgotten) and salting my fries quite heavily when I glanced up and saw a very disapproving face observing me. He looked to be in his late 60's, retired family physician type. He actually gave me a little no-no nod, and I stared back at him, still shaking the salt. My friends used to call me Sodium Queen.

Please don't worry. My blood pressure is fine, I'm off the white stuff, and I prefer a pinch of fleur de sel nowadays, or Herbamare. And fries are no longer a part of my regular diet. *sob*


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