Saturday, June 03, 2006

South Church Unitarian

Just because I'm that inconsistent, check out Rev. Dan Hankin's website for his new house church in Mississippi:

Now, this is just plain fascinating and very cool.

I may send them a check. He'll be like, "What? Isn't this from that hellhound who hassled me about claiming to be an ordained minister in the AUC? Now she's sending me money for my church?"

Comments, please?


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I wouldn't give money to someone who is disingenuous about his credentials. Unless you've exhausted your giving to all the great organizations out there who are honest and have extra money to spend on semi-honest people....

Blogger PeaceBang said...

Good point, Elizabeth. I'm definitely feeling guilty about my crusading approach to getting him to clarify his affiliation. He's *very* clear on the South Church website, which is what made me feel remorseful.

Blogger Steven Rowe said...

Certainly there are lots of organizations that need money... but we all have limited resources. To whoever you give: give because it is the right thing to do, not because of guilt.
On the other hand, his UU4life implies rather than states. (It doesnt say Unitiarian Universalists, its UU is Unitiarian United).

there are various UUA affiliated theist groups to send money to - from the UUCF to MagiNetwork (uh, right?), there are small UUA theist congregations that could use donations (earmark for publicity?)
I even know some UU emerging congregations that have been around for years and have never heard an ordained UU minister...

Blogger PeaceBang said...

Universalist, thanks for weighing in. I don't know what's up with the Magi Network right now -- maybe Ron R. will see this and let us know. I do contribute to the UUCF. I'm curious about the UU emerging churches you name. Can you tell us more? Where are they? Would they appreciate a guest preacher or would they rather do lay led services?

Blogger LaReinaCobre said...

I find the idea of a religion removed from political/social political involvement to be almost impossible. Compartmentalization doesn't come easy to me. I understand why a lot of people believe one has nothing to do with the other except in cases of "totalitarianism" but I guess it comes down to issues of identity and need.

Blogger Christine Robinson said...

I went to this fellow's website (which I enjoyed, especially the Rule of Life which he and his wife live by. I also went to the Unitarian Conference website, which I found disturbing; in part because I agree with much of their critique and in part because they appear to be bent on diluting and dividing something that is precious to me, which is our institutional history and presence and name...things that some days mean more to me than the current reality of the UUA.

To those who believe that the UUA verges on P.C. Creedalism and lacks spiritual focus and therefore want to experiment with a new denominational identity and a new faith, I say, "Blessings!". But they need to do it all the way; developing a new name and a clear identity which separates them from their parent faith. Anything less is evidence of poor boundaries and a fundamental dishonesty which does not bode well for the future of this organization. It so smacks of the youth who runs away from home to get away from parental hypocrisy, but not only can't think of anything to talk about except those hypocritical parents, but avails himself of their credit card when he deems it necessary to maintain his lifestyle.

Blogger Steven Rowe said...

Scott: your posting reminds me somewhat of the painfull situation that the old believers of the Worldwide Church of God (hope I got that right) are in. Their Church dumped the old doctrine and went fundalmentalist, and the old believers had to found a new group. But their prophet's material is under copyright to the no-longer-believers --- so they cant even get the material they believe in reprinted.....
I am working hard on not asking "what their eccentricities are" - expecting

PB: I was thinking exactly of the Emerging UU group I belong to, as both a member and a layleader, but as a moderator of an official Emerging UU list, I know we're not the only ones. In the case of my group it is cost; I can't answer exactly for others.

everyone else: While I understand that other denominations with Unitarian and Universalist in their names would be confusing - it is exactly what the other denominations live with. When my mother was growing up, she lived in a town once that had just two churches: The United Brethren and The United Brethren (Old Constituion).
And look at the tons of different Baptist denominations....


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